Third Reich SA Nuremberg Rally Grouping – Item 112320
an Interesting grouping to an SA Scharfuhrer of SA Unit 49/24. Consisting of his SA pass book in its brown ersatz leather cover with good photo in uniform. Plus his 1938 ID card for participation in the National Party Rally held in 1938 at Fultin, where he was a member of the SA Medical Unit. His NSDAP Preliminary card issued 1.5.1938. A ticket for a Nuremberg Rally held at the Zeppelin field in 1938. His DAF membership card for 1938. An interesting health protection leaflet from Nuremberg. His SA contribution card. His official NSDAP Map/Plan for the march routes for the SA Political Leaders and a map of the National Rally ground. Plus a large number of documents and certificates of service etc. An interesting grouping of documents to an Austrian SA member who had been a member since 1937. A nice complete grouping.
Price: £650