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British Legion Visit to Germany Album Grouping – Item 109404

Interesting grouping of three photo albums belonging to Lt Col George Crosfield, detailing his pre war visit to Germany and meeting with Adolf Hitler and other leaders of the Third Reich. Contained in three albums which are stacked with private snap shot and official meetings and tours he took part in. The first album starts in 1936 at the F.I.D.A.C. in Warsaw Poland then moves to the delegation of the British Legion at a Ceremony in Rome 1936. Then in 1937 he was part of a delegation who met high ranking officials from the Third Reich. These included Herman Goring, Adolf Hitler and other high ranking Nazis. Pictures in the album of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Munich plus Third Reich parades. Lunches at Berchtesgaden with NSDAP leaders and a meeting with Adolf Hitler. The second and third albums in the grouping cover the images of parades, the Royals, Churchill etc and some family shots. Also a large amount of ephemera included. Crosfield also attended the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. An admission card made out to him as well from the Queens wedding to Prince Phillip. Historically interesting grouping.

Note:  Lt Col George Crosfield was a veteran of WWI where he served with the South Lancashire Regiment and then the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He was wounded in action and was awarded the DSO among other awards.

Price: £850

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